Fürberg am Wolfgangsee · Winkl 19 / A-5340 St. Gilgen / Wolfgangsee · Tel: +43 (6227) 23 85 - 0 · Fax: +43 (6227) 23 85 - 35 · Email: gasthof@fuerberg.at · Web: www.fuerberg.at


The history of the hotel Fürberg
  • alte-bootshuette-1895 01
  • postkartenmotiv-1950 01
  • trocknen-der-baumwollfischnetze-1900 01
  • vor-dem-raeuchern-1930 01
  • waeschewaschen-im-see-1900 01


The property Fürberg, at that time “Property in Renzenwinkel“, was first mentioned 1350 in the documents. The name "Fürperger" is already found around the year 1500 in a deed of ownership.


In 1579 the former owner “Bartlme Fürperger von dem Christoffen Khirchpichler zu S. Gilling” has founded the legislation for fishing, which is since then bound to the property in continuing order. Little by little the legislation for fishery was increased by additional purchase of other rights for fishing until today’s dimension of 450 hectares (that’s about a third of the Wolfgangsee).

Licensed house

In 1708 the owner Matthias Haas has received the permission to maintain a “pier and Prantweinschank“. Therefore Fürberg is an inn since more than 300 years. At this time it was only allowed to serve “Lueger beer” and “he import from beer of St. Wolfgang or from abroad was strictly forbidden”.

Turn of the century

In 1897 when the first summer guests came to the countryside, a villa for guests was build.
In 1904 the inn was rebuilt and at this time St. Gilgen experienced its first great prosperity of tourism. Now the house was completely renovated and spangled by a sun-flooded veranda. The stable was redesigned into a housing unit and not only a modern outbuilding, but also a new boathouse were opened.

